March 2014: Recent Garage Additions and Deletions . . .
It is now mid March 2014 and probably about 8 months since I wrote my last 'Latest News' article. In that time a lot has happened on the personal side, but very little on the Norton front . . . I hardly had time to ride the Norton's in 2013 and the only real outing was Mallory 1000 Bike Festival in August. Apart from that, the 1938 Racing International Norton did not even get a competative airing last year . . . despite having had its engine rebuilt in January, I just did not get the time.
Fond Memories of KTM
Unfortunately the KTM 660SMC is no more . . . at least not as far as I am concerned - I am sure there is some thieving git somewhere who is still getting some pleasure from it . . .
New Kid on The Block
New bike stuff to add here
<<< Article Still in Progress
<< This is another Latest News from a Year ago . . . still to update,
but also Honda to add here . . . just need a bit more time!>>>
xxxxxx still to add