Article Description:
General Articles and Updates - v1: 2007 - 2009
This section lists a collection of none specifc articles and updates written over the last few years. Some are write ups of meetings I attended, others are just general updates - many of them written while I was on holiday with the family, a favourite time to catchup on updates.
Article Carousel:
Select the desired article from the carousel below (I will add any further related articles from this build to the carousel as they are written)Please Note: Many of these articles were originally written when the web site design was in a different format. The individual articles should open in a new window, but not all of the original links on that article page may work any more. Please bear this in mind, and return to this page by closing the article window . . . but you never know, you might get to a link that still works but cannot be accessed from the main website any more - a bit like a lucky dip!
In addition, as this page is a 'general article' list, some articles are simply product updates or 'For Sales'/'Wanted' articles as at a point of time - so do not assume they are still current - I have probably included them just because there are a few interesting or reference photographs in them that may still be of interest to someone.