RacingNorton Newsletter No.45 : Autumn/Winter 2024/25
Current Happenings And Projects - Vinnie Sees Light of Day and Trip to Stafford Bonhams
I am not sure about you - but for me in recent years, the hustle and bustle of normal life - and trying to pay the normal bills seems to have taken precedence over our wonderful hobby of restoring and riding bikes.
I know this may sound a bit silly, given my own personal position - in that I get to work with historic bikes most every day .. . with my business being centered around that - but actually, I have always been very strict in that regard - my own projects are completely divorced from my business, the business has to pay the bills - so that gets precedence, and my own projects come a very poor 'second'.
I think for many small business'es the same is true . . . I have resigned myself to the fact that my own projects will take a back seat until much later on - either I keep on working until I drop off my perch . . . or someone pays me an insane amount of money to buy the SOHC/OHV parts business off me (I dont want to give anyone any ideas . . .but feel free to contact me with an offer if you are seriously contemplating it . .. you may be suprised by what you could buy!).
Anyway - a few months ago in Summer-Autumn 2024, a few things happened in the background that made me realise - I really need to do somehting with my own collection of bikes and getting to ride them again - before it gets too late - because it is a fragile world we live in and things can change in a heartbeat - last week (metaphoricaly speaking) I was a 25 year old with lots of energy, some interesting bike projects and just starting to race - and this week I realise I am a 62 year old geriatric with lots of nice bikes - and projects still lined up . . . but am too immersed in the daily grind - too enjoy them!
And also - I was able to admit to myself, I am not getting any yournger - and I need to at least get some of my longer term projects back on track and maybe on the road or race track - and figure out if I still want to ride them . . . because sitting in a garage with sheets over them gathering dust is doing no good at all. I am sure that is something many of you ponder with, just the same as myelf.
Vincent Black Lightning (Rep)- Sees Light of Day After 12 Years!
I know this looks like myself just doing what I have done so many tines - jumping from one unfinished project to another (as last Newsletter I gave an update on starting my 1919 Douggie) - but actually - there are reasons too complex to go into here as to why I have recently decided to dig out the Vincent Black Lightning Rep from the deep recesses of my garage - where it has sat gathering dust since I finished restoring it in approximately 2012.
I have decided that - because I am not getting time to fettle it myself, I might pass it on to a reputable Vincent specialist to start up and fettle.
So two months ago it was pulled out, cleaned down - and numerous small jobs done on it, with a view to handing it over to someone else to work on in the New Year. The idea being - I would prefer to pay for the rare luxery of having someone start and tune it - and (hopefully) I then get to ride it myself, before I get to old and decrepit to get on it!
I will keep you informed how things progress - and in the meantime, will hopefully get back to also getting the Douggie on the road.
Vincent HRD Twin Gets An Airing
So with that in mind - I finally decided in September 2024 to dig the 1948 Vincent Black Lighning (replica) out from under the deep recesses of my workshop (where it has sat under covers since I finished its build project back in 2012!) and do something with it - hopefully get it running and use it at some events and maybe ride it on the road in 2025 - and with luck - fall in love with it all over again . . . or if not - I will be in a much better position to decide what to do with it in the near future?!
So - having finally admitted to myself I was not realistically going to be able to give the Vinnie all the time it will need to start the bike up (it was ready to start back in 2012 when I put it under covers - but I am realistic enough to know that in its relatively high state of tune it will need more fettling time than I will have available in the near future.
And with this in mind - I have bit the bullet and decided to dig the bike out - clean it down, do some minor fettling and fabrication tasks myself, to make it more suitable for road and possibe track day use . .. . before handing it over to a suitable Vincent specialist, who hopefully can give the bike the time and expertise needed to start it up and deal with any of the inevitable fettling and tuning tasks needed on any new restoration.
So far, just digging it out, cleaning it down and reminding myself what it looked like when I last worked on it has rekindled much of the enthusiasm - and if I say so myself, it is indeed a pretty and purposeful beast. You will see in the pictures on the right - I have already added a rather nifty side stand (from a modern bike side stand assembly, with a reasonable alloy casting which I made adjustable with a CNC machined foot), as well as a non visible rear mudguard subframe for holding the rear stand up in use - as well as a few other details that should make occasional trips on the road a possibility.
I am now just waiting on a few more formal paperwork tasks to go through - before passing it over to someone (almost certainly the VOC workshop), to attempt startup.
I will update you of progress in a future Newsletter.
Bonhams Stafford Auction Temptations - Before Sanity Prevailed!
- But Also - A Good Reason To Keep Money In Pocket
If you read my last Newsletter (link at bottom of this page) - you may remember I showed a picture of a pre-war Trials SOHC Norton, which is the basis of one of my projects I had done recent work on. Shortly after posting, that I noticed the Autumn Bonhams Stafford Auction had some interesting unrestored Trials bikes coming up - including this very original Norton 500T - that was listed with such a low reserve - I could not help myself but to go and have a look at it - even though I already have too many unfinished projects, no spare money, and no room for yet another large lump!
Luckily - although both this and another I was interested in (click on 500T photo to see that one) went to new homes for very reasonable sums - they dident come home with me - although I bid on both! Phew - sanify prevails!
But actually - see below. At the same time I had a seperate deal going on with a dear old Norton friend - which I knew would need funds . . . an opportunity to purchase this beautiful and rare item - a lovely recreation of the first conical rear wheel hub - as fitted to the Works Nortons in 38-39. (and click on picture below to see the other side of htis hub. I am hoping this will be going in my current 1939 Gardengate Manx project - but may also be covered in an upcoming short article - and although a rare extravagence these days -. it takes up less room than a whole (Trials) bike!
Bonhams/Stafford Almost Tempts me - But Sanity Prevails! . . .
I made the mistake back in October 2024 of reading a Bohnams auction flyer that dropped through my door. Why do I do this to myself?? - I know I have no self control!
In the last 3 years I have tried to curtail any spending on more projects - particularly in the last year, while paying maternity leave etc
However, I can never resist looking at what is coming up - particularly the 'Parts and Memorobilia' section which is normally held on the Saturday before the main bike auction on the Sunday (this being at Staffords Autumn event).
In this case - I could see there was a large collection of Vincent parts and bikes for sale - I had an idea whom they may have belonged to, a well known Vincent officiando recently retired.
On close inspection, there were some rare and interesting parts - which I was missing for my Grey Flash project . . . and with my current rekindled interest in Vincent's - and with the Bonhams estimates being low (yes - I know they do that to entice!), I could not resist a visit.
But on a completely different tack - the other group of auction items that got my attention was a number of very original Trials bikes that had previously belonged to well known competition man - Arthur Lampkin. These were mainly Gold Star's - a bike I know very little about, but have always liked, but also his very original Norton 500T trials bike.
As one of my own bikes I had done a little bit of work on last year was my own Trials Norton (a 500T lookalike, but with an early 30's SOHC to go in) . . . but realising I was a long way off with that - and am fancying doing a bit of green lane'ing again . .. I really could not resist going to take a look - particularly with estimates being so low, and everyone telling me the current market is flat.
Although not having much spare cash at the moment - prior to this I had been fortunate to have been offered some nice trinkets for my project Nortons in recent months - and had decided to remove some savings for these . . . so I went with every intention of absolutely Not spending this money - unless the estimates turned out to be true - and those bikes, or some of the Vinnie parts ended up going so cheap - it would be silly to turn my nose up!
Very luckily - I am pleased to say - sanity prevailed and those estimates did indeed turn out to be conservative, to say the least. As it happens I did bid on many of the Vinnie bits - but as most of the parts bundles had more than just the bits I needed - and went for Vincent prices(!) . . . I held off.
With the Trials bikes? - well, it seemed at least 2 of the more interesting BSA Trials Gold Stars had been withdrawn before the sale. but I looked the 500T over very carefully - and frankly, it looked excellent and original. However, I also realised what a big lump it looked . . . and that I did not really have room for it in my current setup . . . and as it happens it fetched just over £5k with premium - still a very reasonable price for such a nice machine .. . but more than I wanted to spend, wiht my own Trials bike still to build.
But actually - what really attracted my attention - and I came very close to buying - was a lovely little Royal Enfield Crusader Trials (not a popular model in its day, it being lighter, but less reliable than its Bullet predecessor). Having previously owned a lovely RE Bullet Trials, acquired in similar condition 25 years ago - I was amazed how original and unmolested this bike was - and having checked it over very carefully before the auction - realised it it only went for estimate price, it would be terrific value for greenlaning - and a possible oily rag bike, which I could put a tarpaulin over when not in use.
I did indeed bid on this bike, and went up as high as I had previously set myself - but in the end, it just went over the price I wanted to pay - so reluctantly let it go - it finally went for £2400 with premium - still very cheap in my opinion for such an original competition bike . . . I think someone got themselves a real bargain - but for me, I know it was the right thing to do to leave it - and of course . . if I had bought it, I could not have bought the trinkets I had already been offereed - see the hub above (of which more in a future article). By the way, If you would like to see the RE Crusader . . . click on the picture of the 500T above.. - Recent Updates and Parts In Progress
For many of you that shop regularly with us (and we are very grateful that you do - thank you) you may already have noticed - we are very pleased to report that my daughter Steph was able to report back to work in November 2024 - albeit part time initialy - and help me again with processing customer orders.
Steph had fallen ill with diabetes related issues back in September 2023, and was also in earlly pregnancy at the time .. .. and as many of you know - orders have been taking much longer to process since then, with only myself able to process them - and no easy solution to employ anyone else to help (too complex to expain why!).
Anyway - we are extremely fortunate that Steph now has a wonderful daughter called Nova, who will be celebrating her 1st birthday in early February - our first grandchild . - but Steph's maternity leave ended in November and she has now come back to work with her dad - joy of joys for her! (no not really. . . . I am sure she was dreading it!) .
Initially - Steph was just helping me 'pick' orders, and they were still being processed by myself - but as I finish this update in mid Jan 2025 - Steph has now started processing orders again from end to end, in parallel to myself (she is back on our 'sales' email address) - which is allowing me more time for dealing with the manufacturing and re-supply side again - although in fairness, I had never stopped doing this, but at least now I can perhaps start working more sensible hours.
We currently have a lot of plates wobbling - and many new and restocked parts to update you on in the coming months - but the positive news is (in these still difficult economic times) . . . we are still gong strong, and trying to reduce the lead time in processing customer orders - and most importantly - still intending to keep supplying those hard to find Norton single parts (and early Douglas - time permitting) for the foreeable future.
For now, I have ran out of time and space for this Newsletter - and still have a few parts to list, so will try and get the next one out in the very near future, and give updates on some of those WIP parts I had previously reported on.
As orders are still taking 2 -3 weeks minimum to process (and it has been a very busy December/January) and if you need a status update on an order, it may still be best to email me directly on : ,
My daugther Steph is now back on our email - but as she is only able to process orders and a small percentage of emails each week (our grandaughter is sat in our office with us - and is quite demanding!) - she may not get time to answer all emails quickly, so feel free to CC me in as well if emailing her.
Best wishes
Paul Norman
26th January 2025
Major Re-stocks This Newsletter
Since our last Newsletter in the Summer, much of our focus has been on re-manufacturing or re-sourcing many of our most popular and in-demand items. In the last Newsletter I gave an update on a re-stock of our G&S Norton valve types (a big outlay for myself) - and in this Newsletter there have been some also further large outlays of funds - most notably to re-stock our range of Norton bearings.
So read on - and hopefully you will find at least some parts you required recently - but found they were previously showing out of stcok:
Norton Engine Parts - New Batch's and Re-stocks
Item 0060 - SOHC 3 Part Rocker Adjusters - New Batch
Definitely one of our most popular items - we have recently made a new battch of the SOHC 3 part adjusters. Not the cheapest item - but quite a clever and in demand item. Luckily we were only out of stock for a short time - but just in case you were one of those that looked when they were showing out of stock - they are now back in!
Also - as always - we also made an additional batch of the special little deep locknuts - as no matter how well you tighten them . . . so e.
These screws have the correct 'Reduced Hex' imperial heads, which are deeper than standad bolts (to account for the hex being smaller than standard bolts), as well as the distinctive Norton pattern curved head.
As a final touch we also polish the head, so they look really pretty as well!
New batch manufactured - Item 0284 - Valve Spring Top Cup Plates
It seems we have been having a strong year for engine rebuilds - the result being much of our SOHC top half parts have needed remanufacturing.
In the last two Newsletters we had reported on new batchs of hairpin valve springs and Top Cups/Collets - well our latest new batch to come in are the Item 0284 Top Cup Plates, shown above.
Just a reminder - that if you have an Inter/Manx using hairpin valve springs - you should periodically check these plates as originals do tend to wear quite badly where they make contact with the eyes of the springs. Ours are machined from billet on a CNC mill and have always been a popular item
Back in Stock - Item 1016 - Cylinder Head Sleeve Bolt Washer Sets
(and 1015 type For Alloy Heads)
These special thick/chamfered washers are fitted into most types of SOHC cyclinder heads- so that when the sleeve bolts are tightened down they tighten down onto the washers - not the base material of the cylinder head. We had been showing 'Out of Stock' of the slimmer cast iron type for some time (shown above) - but have recently manufacutred new batchs of both types shown here - the type for alloy heads being slightly thicker. Both sets manufactured in stainless steel
0078 and 0078B - SOHC Left Hand Thread Crankshaft Nut
(and 30M/40M Reduced Weight Version)
Another item back in stock - our SOHC shouldered Timing Side Crankshaft Nuts - which are Left Hand thread. We CNC mill the correct imperial hex on these, as imperial Hex now difficult to obtain - and we also do a slightly reduced weight 'competition version' - with recessed shoulder as I have sometimes seen fitted in racing engines. I have added a picture to each listing this time - to show what the nut looks like when fitted with the bevel gears in the bevel chamber for each engine type
Norton Bearing Re-Stocking (and a Couple of New Variations) - But First an Update:
I know I have been rattling on about the scarity of genuine RHP brand Norton SOHC (and OHV/SV) bearings for a number of years now - with many now being obsolete and becoming increasingly hard to find - but we have now reached a point where for many sizes . . . they are just not obtainable at all any more - most of the SOHC and OHV/SV Main bearings fitting into this catagory.
You can find more information if you go to our Norton Bearings Section and read the first 'Informationational Item' listing:Bearings Section, where I give a bit more information about these bearings - particularly, that many original fitment Norton bearings were originally fitted in a looser 'C3' (or 3 Spot as they were sometimes called back in the day - as often the manufacturers scribed 3 circles on the outer race to denote this type) - and those particularly have now in some cases become totally unobtainalbe.
But even the 'STD' fit bearings from the better quality brands (RHP being the best example - originally called Hoffman, and original fitment for Norton engines in period) are now obsolete and becoming just as difficult to source - in most cases these STD fit bearings are just as usable - you just need to pay a bit more attention fo running in, in fhe first few hundred miles.
With this backdrop - you may have noticed in recent months that many of our current range of bearings were starting to show as 'Out of Stock' (yes - still lots of people building engines!) - so back in December - again I bit the bullet and went through the long trawl of contacting my list of speciialist bearing supplers . . . who are prepared to go searching for what few bearings still remain . . . and where nothing is now avaiilable from the original top bearing manufacturers (RHP, SKF etc) - we have stocked alternatives from other named brands of slightly lesser quality (as opposed to the worst case alternative - brining in those bearings with no branding and no etching on the races at all - which in some cases cannot be traced to any known manufacturer).
As a final point on bearings - we also have to accept that even the big top name bearing manufacturers now have some of their bearings manufactured 'Off-Shore' to the UK - so we have to trust that those 'named' bearing manufacturers are all producing to their normal high standards you would expect - wherever made.
So - We just have to tell ourselves that this is how it will be going forward - some bearings are still available from RHP, SKF etc - and those we will continue to stock regularly. But for other rarer types - well wherever I can - we have sourced genuine high quality brand bearings where we can - but you will see that the price of these reflect their rarity - as an example, we list below a small stock of one particularly rare Norton fitment bearing - which is in the older type yellow RHP outer packaging (but still sealed - note all our bearings will be in the original sealed bags, even if the original box looks tattered - there are only a couple of exceptions to this, i.e when they originally came supplied in waxed paper rolls - vertical shaft bearings being an example of this) - and I can tell you that in this particular case - that small batch of obsolete bearings were sourced and bought back from Cyprus! . . . maybe originally from a UK Armed Forces base that were there in 1960s/70's! (my wife grew up part of her childhood life in Cyprus - as her father was in the RAF based there at one time)
0018B -RHP SOHC Drive Side Ball - RHP Brand (STD Fit)
- Back in Stock (Just!)
Now back in stock but like many of the RHP Bearings listed in our Bearings Section - only very limited quantities available.
For many of these (Norton single fitment) bearings - we will show the original Item Number - when the original RHP C3 bearing was listed, ie Item 0018 - and then next to it in our bearing section - the current variations now available - in this case 0018B - as it is the original RHP brand for that bearing - but now being available only in 'STD' fitment
For each listing - there will either be a RED bar, meaning Out of Stoc, or a GREEN bar if available.
Below: 0019C SOHC Driveside Roller Bearing - C3 Fit, NKE Brand
And below is a good example of one of the bearings where we are now able to offer original 'C3' fit again - allbeit from a brand other than RHP - these being by NKE.
However, if you have a worry that your own SOHC crankcases may have slightly worn main bearing houses (a matt grey shade or scoring in the bearing area can sometimes be indicative that a bearing has previously spun in its housing) - then you may decide that fitting these original C3 fitment bearings are less risk than an original RHP (STD fit) bearing - and they will of course - also be much cheaper!
Item 019D - SOHC Lipped Roller Bearing Drive Side - STD fit but RHP
This is an example of one of those bearings now almost impossible to find in original RHP Brand. The driveside (innermost) SOHC Main bearing was originally a lipped bearing (although non-lipped can also be fitted - see the listing for more detail) - click on picture.
These original RHP bearings are in STD (as oppose to C3) fit, but are still the genuine articles. As I mention above, we have managed to obtain a small quantity of these extremely hard to find bearings - still in their original sealed bags (one example had been unsealed - and I had to reject it because of that) - and although the oil they are sealed in has has discoloured slightly with time - they are still effectively brand new . . . and in original RHP (1970's?) yellow packaging.
When they are gone they are gone . . .
Item1073 : OHV/SV Main Roller Bearing - C3 Fit NKE Brand
Back in Stock
And another bearing that is no longer availabel from RHP - this is the OHV/SV Mains Roller bearing - Also available from NKE Brand in original C3 Fitment
The corresponding OHV/SV Ball Bearing is also available
SOHC Cambox Bearings - Also Back In Stock
.Shown here is the 'International' type (Model 30/40) cambox rear cover bearing - now back in stock, but we also have the smaller diameter magnesium type SOHC rear cambox cover bearing - and have also restocked on the cambox front bearing common to both cambox types
- all available in RHP Brand
Item 0732 - Ochre Coloured Cloth (waterproof) HT Lead
- As fitted to period Competition Magnetos - Back in Stock
As well as Norton engine bearings (which also includes some bearings for the earlier Walter Moore CS1 models) - we have also restocked on many of our other Norton gearbox and wheel bearings.
Showh above is the twin row bearing fitted to the driveside rear wheel of most Norton single cylinder (and twin) wheel hubs - from another high quality brand - NSK. Now back in Stock
And see the link here, to see all bearings in our Norton Bearings section of our catalog:
Re-stocked and New Carburettor and Magneto Parts
0152 - Pilot Jets To Fit Original Amal TT Carburettors - All Sizes
We have recently manufactured a new batch of Pilot (Needle) Jets
to fit original Amal TT carburettors.
These jets are specifc to the Amal TT carburettor model and are available in all the common TT sizes - 107/109/112 and 120 (120 being the jet size normally fitted iwth running a bike on alchohol or methanol).
These are CNC machined by us to the correct jet size hole and dimensions as original jets. I was asked recently if these are the same jets as fitted to Monoblock or Concentric carbs . . . sorry, but I gather those are different.
By the way we can also supply Pilot/Needle jets for Amal RN carbs . . . which are different again!
Item 0173 - Hex Lockwire Hex Screws to fit Original Amal 302 Type Floatchambers - In Stainless Steel
We did used to sell this screw as a plated stell screw - but had been out of stock for some time now.
We are now able to offer it again - but now CNC machined in house by ourselves in Stainless Steel - with the hex head milled to the correct imperial head size, drilled for lockwire adn wtith a screwdriver slot - as per the original design. Each screw supplied with the correct stainless spring washer
New Item 1242 - Amac Main Jets - Various Sizes
A real rarity here .. . . we recently completed a batch of main jets to fit orginal early Amac carburettors from the early 1900's-1920's.
The jets are available in a variety of sizes - and click on the photos here to take you to the listing, where you can see the sizes we have available - as well as an exert from a period publication that shows the likely jet size required for common engine sizes of the period.
These are predominantly for fitting to the Amac HYK carb fitted to Douglas 2 3/4hp models (and are now shoing in our Douglas section) - but were also fitted to many other Amac (pre Amal) carbs - including some jet sizes for later and larger engine sizes
New Item 1253 - Amac Type Floatchamber (Vertical) Float Needle Clip
This most unusual item it the original spring Float Needle Clip - as were fitted to early Amac carbs - these being identifiable in that the float needle had a much wider groove on its shaft than the later Amal flaot needle (which of course used a similar clip to that employed on most carb model throttle needles).
If you click on the two pictures it will take you to the listing and you can see more pictures of the original needle type and how this clever little spring clip locks in place.
These are now an extremely difficult clip to fit so if you need one - here they are! . . . sorry, but cannot supply the actual needles . . . but maybe I will make some in the future!
New - Earliest Norton OHV Valve Springs/Valve Spring Cups (i.e 1924-28)
and Other Norton OHV Valve and Valve Spring Parts - Re-Stocked
As I write this update at the end of December 2024 - it occurs to me that I had actually finished manufacturing this new batch of the early OHV 'conical type' Valve Spring caps back in Autumn 2024 . . . but just a little bit too late for the previous Newsletter.
So - just to let owners of early OHV 'Flat Tank' models know - as well as making a new batch of the 2nd (larger) conical type valve caps . . . and of course the springs to go with these valves caps - we have now also introduced the earlier first type - which were fitted to the first OHV models (I assume from 1924-25), and from what we have been able to ascertain - continued to be fitted to OHV models until some point in 1928-29, when it seems on most OHV models they were replaced with the larger type. We also offer two lengths of springs for this earlier type.
Finally - it is worth noting that - it would seem the first Walter Moore models were also fitted with the smaller type valve springs - but Norton's must have realised that the performance with the small springs was marginal - because it seems they swapped over to the larger springs quite quickly (maybe 1928?). I am told by a friend with more knowledge of those earlier Walter Moore models than myself that most engines were subsequenntly updated to use the later (larger) springs and cups - but I know of at least one customer whose CS1 is still fitted with the early type springs and cups still - and preferred to buy a set of the earlier springs, rather than updating to the later type.
We have only made the earlier (small cup) types as a small batch initially - but as always, original (and hard to find!) Norton patterns were used . . . with thanks to friends who lent me those patterns
Unpacking and Bagging New Batch of G&S Valves
Just a few of the many boxes of new SOHC valves we have recently had delivered from G&S. We have lots of variants - both inlet and exhaust, so going through each variant and bagging them all can take some time.
SOHC 11/32" Inlet Valves - Blank Stem and 'Sized Length' Valves
We have restocked in most of our most popular sizes - the SOHC Inlet valvs being 11/32" Stem diameter. We offfer a variety of valve head sizes (most popular 350cc/500cc and some later racing large valve head sizes) - and most valves are offered to popular 'lengths' (below) - or blank stem type (above) so you can cut the valve length to suit your own engine.
1928 -1931 (approx) Large Conical Valve Spring Cups - Back In Stock
(Item 1029 - Shown on Top Right)
When we first manufactured the 1928-31 type conical valve cups (sold as a pair - top and bottom) about 3 years ago - they proved very popular (considering they are fitted to relatively rare models) - and quickly sold out.
I have finally got time in the the autumn to make a new batch of these on our CNC - quite a complex program, given the contours and cross drilling. Shown below are the batch of top cups after chemical blacking - along with some of the smaller early conical cups on the right
More About Norton OHV (and Coil Spring CS1 Models) Valve Caps
As part of going through the latest manufacturing (and chemical blacking) process - I thought it might be useful to show the lineage (as best as I can figure . . . from my own experiences, checking through Norton Spare Parts Lists and talking to other knowleadgable owners) - I have added these photos to some of the listings.
However - I know there are people out there far more knowleadable than me . . . so if you think you have corrections or additional information - feel free to email me -
0673 - 1932(ish) - 1947 OHV Valve Spring Cap - Each
Just a reminder that to go with our valves we also manufacture OHV valve guides, as well as 11/32" and 3/8" SOHC valve guides (which are of the parrallel collar type, to take hairpin valve spring collars.
The OHV valve guides shown here (Item 0696) have a tapered collar and can be fitted to both cast iron and alloy cylinder heads
0672 - 1932'ish - Onward OHV Bottom Valve Spring - Each
0674 - 1948 Onward OHV Valve Spring Cap - Each
Just a reminder that to go with our valves we also manufacture OHV valve guides, as well as 11/32" and 3/8" SOHC valve guides (which are of the parrallel collar type, to take hairpin valve spring collars.
The OHV valve guides shown here (Item 0696) have a tapered collar and can be fitted to both cast iron and alloy cylinder heads
0674 - 1948 Onward OHV Valve Spring Cap - Each
Just a reminder that to go with our valves we also manufacture OHV valve guides, as well as 11/32" and 3/8" SOHC valve guides (which are of the parrallel collar type, to take hairpin valve spring collars.
The OHV valve guides shown here (Item 0696) have a tapered collar and can be fitted to both cast iron and alloy cylinder heads
0676 - OHV Valve Guides 1930's - 1950s in Phospher Bronze
As well as all the different types of OHV valve cups and springs - we also sell the 'standard' OHV style valve guide, which has a lipped top to hold the bottom valve spring cup in the correct position. All of our OHV bottom cups fit this style of valve guide.
Note - many original valve guides were manufactured in steel/iron, but fyi over the years I have seen both iron and alloy heads fitted with bronze guides - and always fitted bronze guides to the cast iron heads when I was racing that type of engine many years ago
. . . And finallty - OHV and SV G&S Valves - New Batch in Stock
0678 - Norton OHV Valves - from G&S Valves
I know I had already updated on a new batch of these lovely G&S OHV valves in our last Autumn Newsletter - but thought as I was updating on all the OHV Valve gear restocks . . . it worth reminding these were recently restocked as well
Side Valve 16H G&S Valves - Also Restocked - Item 0800
And finally - just a reminder while talking about valve gear that we also stock G&S 16H valves and recently restocked these (like the OHV valves from G&S - the quality is the best I have ever seen). And we also sell SV valve springs to fit these 1930s-50's SV models, copied from original NOS Terry's valve springs - those being Item 0804.
Big 4 SV Valves Update - By the way, last year I had an enquiry from a customer about Big4 valves. Not being an expert on the larger SV models - I incorrectly assumed the Big4 valve was the same as the 16H valve. It turns out this is not the case. I have discussed this valve type with G&S, but as it is not a common valve (although we do have the drawing), unfortunately - it is not economical to have a batch made at the moment.
Contact me if you wish me to enquire again, and consider a batch for the future
Other New And Re-Stocked Parts: Norton Transfers and New Facsimile Tax Discs
We have recently restocked or remanufactured many of our most popular parts - in fact, more than are shown below . . . but I will save the other parts for the next Newsletter - so I can get this Newsletter out now (mid Jan 2025.
I will endeavour to include all the other parts - along with those currently in progress in the next 4 sweeks or so . . ..
0912 and 0913 - Norton Girder Fork and Tele Fork Hearace Sets -
New Batchs of Both - BACK IN STOCK
Since we introduced these headrace bearing sets about 5 years ago they have proven very popular - and this is now our 3rd batch of both types back in stoick.
The set consists of four hardened races (a top pair and a bottom pair) and two sets of ball bearings - with the races pre-packed in graphite grease to protect them from corrosion in storage.
Item 0912 is the type fitted to girder forks (i.e. genuine Norton girder forks through the 1930's/40's), while Item 0913 is the type fitted to Norton telescopic fork models through the 1940's-50's.
BACK IN STOCK: - Item 1027 - Norton OHV/WD16H/Big4 Rectangular
Battery Carrier
- And Rectangular and T-Shape (False) Battery Boxes
After a long period of not being able to obtain them - we have finally had a new stock of rigid and plunger frame type battery carriers - the type designed to take the rectangular style battery - as commonly fitted through the 1930's and 1940's. As before - although these are proprietary manufactured - we supply an additional (and better quality) front hinge bolt - should customers want to fit it.
We are also able to supply a modern plastic 'replica' of the original style battery in plastic - which is then able to fit a modern gell type battery inside.
And even better - we are now able to offer the original design T-Shape Battery box as a modern plastic copy - again, able to take a modern gell battery inside - great news for those wishing to fit this charasmatic battery type fitted to some Norton models in the late 1930's - 1940's.
And FYI - we may be considering havging a small batch of these T-Shape battery carriers manufactured in the future - email me if you are interested, and I will gauge interest - click on picture below
NEW ITEM: Item 1237 - Norton Dominator Camshaft Chain
While sorting out my boxes of chains (we stock exclusively Renolds brand chain - for Norton SOHC/OHV/SV magneto and primary chain) - I came across a box of 'New Old Stock' chain I have had in my possesion for probably 25 years! - It is a good quality JWS (German) brand - and is of the pitch that was used on Norton Domintor Camshaft chains. I beleved I purchased this box of chain - along with some other chains - from an old motorcycle friend/dealer many years ago . . . and still looks like new.
So decided to put it up on our catalog . . . we do have a few Dominator parts (including Dominator Finned Exhaust Nuts)
Smiths Speedometer/Rev Clock Parts - Most Items Back In Stock
(and a couple of new additions to the range)
For those customers that had noticed some of our Speedometer/Rev Clock parts out of stock - we have recently had a new supply of most out of stock parts - including the very popular early (pear shaped) pointers shown above - Item 0643. We also sell the slightly later rectangular ended version.
A couple of new items have also been added - like the Trip Reset Knob and circlip - Item 1263, shown below.
Click on Picture below to take you to this catalog section.
Please note - we are still waiting for a new supply of the Smiths 80mm speedo/rev clock cases - due in next 3 months
NEW ITEM: Item 1250 - Battery/Wiring Harness
In Line Fuse Kit - Various Fuse Ratings Available
While looking at the fuses of my modern'ish Honda CBR600RR recently - it made me think about how useful it is to have a Master Fuse in line with hte battery - something most older British Bikes do not have provision for on their original wiring harnesses.
So - having obtained all the component parts seperately, to make up a small kit . . . we can now supply this useful kit, which can easily be added to existing harnesses - and can be supplied with a variety of fuse ratings - Adding a level of safety from blowing expensive electrical components, if you happen to wire up the battery wrong or cause a short - like I recently did on the Honda!!
A POSSIBLE NEW ITEM (Dependent on demand):
Norton Girder Fork - Sidecar/Heavyweight Main Spring?
We recently made a 'Special Order' Norton Girder Fork - Heavy Duty/Sidecar Strength Mainsping for a good customer - who is testing it out over the coming months.
This spring has been copied from an original - just as per our Standard strength springs (in the photo above - the standard strength is on the right while the HD strength spring is on the left - and is approximately one (1) gague thicker than standard - but has been tested to ensure it will still fit correctly on Norton spring clasps - which it does
We are now considering a small batch of these stronger springs - for those with sidecars/trials bikes - or those that just require firmer front suspension (i.e. anti dive on competition bikes)
Plesae email me on if you have an interest - if enough respond I will look to get a batch made
New Facsimile Tax Disk Year - 1952
And finally - another tax disc to add to our collection - this year being 1952 - and as always - identical to the original design, and printed on professional quality paper of the same thichness and qualtiy as original tax discs.
More missing years already in progress
. . . And Finally - Stuff Coming Up or on the 'To Do' List . . .
Norton Front Fork Brace - Laser Cut And Pressed -
Who is Interested???
I am constanty being asked if I can supply the correct Norton pre-war 'Braced' handlebars - Our competition versions - Items 0562/0563 have been showing out of stock for about 3 years.
I am sorry to say - the cost of having suitable handlebars manufactured in the UK - and then the amount of effort it takes me to fabricate (and bend) the special brace we make - before brazing and UK polishing/chroming - just makes the cost too prohibitive at the moment.
However - I am considering having a new batch of the special Norton brace 'blanks' made again - and then pre-bending them to shape using our specially made jigs (It is extremely difficult to bend them correctly without them) - so they can be provided to customers - who can then fit them to their handlebars themselves (i.e. welding/brazing - then rechroming - if you think necessary)
I am looking to have a new batch of parts lasercut in the next 2 months - so email fast if interested!
Email me on:
Sturmey Archer Kisck Start Spring Covers
Held over from last Newsletter . . . We have recently had some Kickstart Spring Covers made for early Surmey Archer gearboxs - I will give more details in the next Newsletter
Bar Turned Cheesehead Screws - SOHC and 1938/47 OHV Models
I have finally made progress on CNC machining new batchs of our CH1 SOHC bar turned stainless steel cheesehead screw sets.
At the same time I am also making new batchs of the similar 38/47 OHV sets, and Norton gearbox screws.
These are very time consuming to make- even on a CNC (the heads have to be profiled and slotted one at a time!) . . . so maybe a month or two yet - but should be back available in Spring 2025.
Email us if you wish to reserve a set .. . new price not confirmed yet as price of stainless bar (and electrictty!!) has risen so much since the last batchs were made.
1930 - 1938 OHV Pushrod Tubes and Fittings - still to come
Since the last Newsletter - we have had an initial go at silver soldering the flange to the bottom of these distinctive tubes - but other work (and customer orders) has just meant I have not had time to make the full batch - but they are in progress - Sort of!!
Coming in Spring 2025 I hope
Some of the other parts expecting to remake in the next 3 months:
- Item 1051: Norton Gearbox Camplate and Quadrant Bushes -Springr 2025 (Revised plan! - Cheeseheads taking longer than expected)
- Item 1059: Norton Upright Gearbox Selector Front and Rear Bushes - Spring 2025 (Revised plan!)
- Item 0533-0534 Wrapround Oil Tank Oilers - Small batch to make - Was hoping to have these ready for sale in Jan 2025 . . . but over the Xmas period a courier managed to loose a large (and very expensive!!) box of manufactured parts on the way back from plating! - Aggghhh! . . . now having to remanufacture many of these parts - including oiler parts
- Item 0903: Clutch Cable Adjusters - Racing Type
- Item 0875 : Girder Fork Crown Main Nuts
- SOHC Shims (all types) - Should be looking at new batchs of all in next 2 months
- Douglas Parts - Aware we are showing out of stock on many parts - to all my Douglas customers, apologies - but as soon as I get the list above done, I will be attempting to make new batchs of most parts currently out of stock
Email us on if you wish to reserve anything or need an update on availablility